Information needed Acceptable verification documents 

All documents should be emailed to [email protected]

Documents required for the Trust

  • Certified copy of the trust deed or other founding document (e.g. will for a Testamentary / Will Trust)
  • Certified copy of a Letter of Authority from the Master of the High Court (SA trust).

For a foreign trust, an official document reflecting name, number and trustees

  • Trustees resolution / authority to actlisting all of the Trustees of the Trust and specifying which Trustee / Trustees are able to enter into a transaction on behalf of the Trust.
Please submit the Trustee’s resolution together with the following 2 documents for each Trustee listed therein;

    • Certified copy of the green bar-coded identity document or passport (if foreigner); and
    • Residential address and contact particulars
  • Proof of bank account of the Trust in the form of either:
    • Copy of bank statement confirming bank details of the Trust (less than three months old); or alternatively
    • An official signed letter from the bank, on a bank letterhead listing full details of the Trust bank account
Please note: It is essential that the name of the bank account be in the name of the Trust.
  • Copy of official SARS document showing the Trust name and Income Tax number.

Documents / details required for each type of:

  • Founder
  • Tustee
  • Beneficiary
  •  If an individual
      • a certified copy of green bar-coded identity document or passport (if foreigner)
      • details of residential address; and
      • contact particulars


  • If a South African company
      • a certified copy of the CoR14.3 (previously CM1 form);
      • CoR21.1 (previously CM22 form);
      • original or certified copy of the letterhead of the company reflecting its trade name;
      • original or certified proof of physical address (e.g. utility bill, bank statement); and
      • contact particulars of the company


  • If a foreign company
      • certified copies of the official incorporation documents bearing the name, incorporation number and incorporation address; and
      • contact particulars of the foreign company


  • If a close corporation
      • a certified copy of most recent CK1 and CK2 (if applicable);
      • original or certified copy of the letterhead of the close corporation reflecting its trade name and proof of the close corporation's physical business address (e.g. utility bill, bank statement); and
      • contact particulars of the CC


  • If other legal entity
      • a certified copy of the constitution or other founding document;
      • proof of address (e.g. utility bill, bank statement, telephone account); and
      • contact particulars of other legal entity


  • If a trust
      • a certified copy of the letters of authority (or similar authorisation for foreign trust);
      • a certified copy of the trust deed; and
      • contact particulars of the trust


  • If a partnership
      • a certified copy of the partnership agreement; and
      • contact particulars of the partnership

Where the founder or a trustee has died or no longer exists

  •  Provide documentary proof thereof in the form of:
    • Death certificate
    • Deregistration certificate
    • Liquidation order